With the furore about MPs’ expenses raging in the media, it’s somewhat disappointing to see that Boris has followed suit with his former colleagues and attempted to cheat the system…
So we’ve made it. Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has been in charge of the nation’s capital for a full year. It’s still standing. Tower Bridge is not on fire,…
Good news for BorisWatchers and bad news for those who follow the Banner of Red Ken: Boris is definitely running for re-election next time the ballots come around, and isn’t…
As all you literary bods are surely aware, this week — specifically the 22nd of April — played host to the London Book Fair. This is typically a big deal…
The internet is awash with stories about how the 2009 budget is going to affect people — as you’d expect, given its importance to the Great British public — and…
It wasn’t all fun and games for Boris yesterday, despite the patriotic St George’s Day celebrations across the city; the Mayor also wound up at a private meeting with the…
After yesterday’s celebrations, the Guardian has reported on Boris’s latest words about what Englishness is all about — this time, that we should reclaim the St George Cross to stop…
A happy St George’s Day to all our loyal readers from everyone here at BorisWatch Towers! Inkeeping with the tone of the festivities (and as a sop to the current…
A recent survey conducted by YouGov found that more people trust Boris to keep his promises than the Prime Minister, with almost double the number of people choosing BoJo’s word…
As you’ll no doubt have heard, the Damian Green debacle has run out of steam (even if it hasn’t come to a complete stop yet) with the news that Green…