So we’ve made it. Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has been in charge of the nation’s capital for a full year. It’s still standing. Tower Bridge is not on fire, Canary Wharf has not shut down due to an elaborately comical mishap involving trifle.
To all the naysayers, we blow a hearty raspberry, and make rude gestures in your general direction. To those who doubted him twelve months ago… well, we can’t say we blame you. Look at the man. Based on appearances alone, we wouldn’t trust him to run a pub quiz, let alone a city. But the fact remains, Boris has done it, and he’s done us proud.
Sure, there are problems. This is politics. There are always going to be problems. Utopias don’t exist. However, Boris has made massive leaps forward in dealing with the arts, young people, sports, the police force and crime (among others), as well as dealing with scandals that may well have sunk a lesser politician but that have hardly left a dent in him. That’s not to say that everything’s exactly peachy — the bendy buses are still here and the Routemaster is not, which should be addressed as soon as possible — but things seem to be ticking along nicely. We here at BorisWatch Towers are looking forward to the remainder of Boris’s term — and, with any luck, his subsequent re-election when the time comes.
Well done, Mr Johnson, and a happy anniversary to you.
Boris’s plan for devolution to the boroughs is truly inspired. He wants the public to be able to vote on on the police, GPs hours, some transport issues instead of Transport for London….. a blow against the dependency culture that is strangling Britain. This is what should be happening nationally, it is one of the biggest tasks that Cameron must tackle. Boris is mapping out a blueprint of a solution to this country’s problems. This must only be the start.
Agreed and well done so far to the man. Hope to see him still about for the olympics.