Here’s a question for you. Is the more responsible, more reliable Boris a better Boris? It’s something that has been causing a fair bit of debate over here at Boriswatch…
Anyone hoping for the installation of an Alton Towers-esque high speed corkscrew ride in the centre of London will have been disappointed by comments made by the Mayor this week….
Boris and the Government have plenty of advisors. With a multitude of different policy areas to consider, City Hall is awash with people advising the Mayor on everything from transport…
Boris and Dave are cross. Indeed, they are so cross that they have written a joint letter to The Sun (exactly what we do at Boriswatch HQ when we are…
It may be sixteen months until the Mayorship of London is up for grabs once again, but the Guardian reported this weekend that the race to become London’s Olympic Mayor…
As you would expect for a man of his intellect, charisma and importance, Bozza claims a fair few prestigious awards. We reported, for example, that the Mayor picked up the…
Good old BBC. To celebrate the New Year, BBC Radio 3 are having a season of special events to mark a genius with strange blonde hair and a talent for…
“Toot!” That’s the sound of the party horns being blown at Boriswatch HQ where our annual Christmas party has just entered the seventh hour. Our legal advisor has already photocopied…
We all know that Boris is a powerful man, and there are lots of things that full under his jurisdiction. However, one thing that (at least last time we checked)…
It’s well documented that Britain doesn’t cope very well in the snow. Whilst countries that experience a lot of the stuff keep their trains and buses running and their airports…