Charlie Sheen and Boris have lots in common. Both ultra well known celebrities, both posting their thoughts on Twitter and both with a number of shapely beauties [snip – Boriswatch…
One of the major problems that has perplexed the staff here at Boriswatch Towers for years is this: “Just how can we get from Islington to Croydon easily, without having…
Maybe he’s just trying to look clever. Or maybe it’s a plot to bamboozle his own Government by making statements that don’t mesh with their policy, but containing words they…
In a development that’s bound to infuriate the presenters of Top Gear, London will soon have more electric car charging points than petrol stations. Bozza is trying to make London…
We at Boriswatch Towers are, of course, as interested in what Bozza’s been up to as anyone else. Occasionally, however, we read an article about his latest plans or proposals…
Eh up – Bozza’s been at the water antics again…. Remember a year or two back where he had a bit of an incident in a river? Well, according to…
How do you tell the difference between a dead cat on the motorway and a dead banker on the motorway? The cat has got skid marks around it….” It’s not…
It would be fair to say that Boris is not Brian Haw’s biggest fan. And, I imagine, Mr Haw is not the world’s greatest admirer of the Mayor either. Nine…