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Sheen plans bender with Boris

By March 7, 2011News

Charlie Sheen and Boris have lots in common. Both ultra well known celebrities, both posting their thoughts on Twitter and both with a number of shapely beauties [snip – Boriswatch Lawyer]

Now, however, the wild child Hollywood star has revealed that he’d like to go out for a few beers with the Mayor.

[I should say that we’re not making this up. As preposterous as this sounds, this story is entirely true – Boriswatch Ed]

In an article entitled “I Want To Hang Out With Boris Johnson”, the (formerly) highest paid man in TV told The Sun that he fancies going on a bender with Boris. Whilst looking through a copy of the newspaper’s 40th Anniversary book, Sheen remarked: “”Who’s that guy? He looks like he drops a few pints now and again. I want to hang out with him.”

When asked what he and Eton-educated Boris had in common, he joked: “What will we talk about? His untimely death.”

Sheen recently broke the World Record for reaching a million Twitter followers faster than anyone else and is currently trying to get his job on Two And A Half Men back whilst living in his Beverley Hills mansion with his two (yes, two) girlfriends.

Bozza, described by the Sun as a ‘master of mayhem’ responded kindly: “I’m flattered to hear Charlie Sheen’s comments. I’ve no doubt that we would have plenty to talk about. A night out with him would no doubt be intriguing and extremely memorable.”

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