Charlie Sheen and Boris have lots in common. Both ultra well known celebrities, both posting their thoughts on Twitter and both with a number of shapely beauties [snip – Boriswatch Lawyer]
Now, however, the wild child Hollywood star has revealed that he’d like to go out for a few beers with the Mayor.
[I should say that we’re not making this up. As preposterous as this sounds, this story is entirely true – Boriswatch Ed]In an article entitled “I Want To Hang Out With Boris Johnson”, the (formerly) highest paid man in TV told The Sun that he fancies going on a bender with Boris. Whilst looking through a copy of the newspaper’s 40th Anniversary book, Sheen remarked: “”Who’s that guy? He looks like he drops a few pints now and again. I want to hang out with him.”
When asked what he and Eton-educated Boris had in common, he joked: “What will we talk about? His untimely death.”
Sheen recently broke the World Record for reaching a million Twitter followers faster than anyone else and is currently trying to get his job on Two And A Half Men back whilst living in his Beverley Hills mansion with his two (yes, two) girlfriends.
Bozza, described by the Sun as a ‘master of mayhem’ responded kindly: “I’m flattered to hear Charlie Sheen’s comments. I’ve no doubt that we would have plenty to talk about. A night out with him would no doubt be intriguing and extremely memorable.”