To celebrate Boris’s top 12 position in Heat magazine’s “Weird people Heat readers fancy” (Boriswatch is still trying to work out if that’s a compliment or not), several small web…
Boriswatch has grown and matured like a ripe brie. So much so, in fact, that it now has its own domain, The old site will disappear in a few…
Well, it’s been a couple of days since the New Statesman Media Awards. Boris was up for the Elected Representative gong and we waited expectantly in the bowels of Fabric…
Boris news has been few and far between this month. His endorsement of David Cameron has been the only newsworthy piece for the last few weeks, but tomorrow night the…
“I hope that David Cameron removes his hat from wherever he has got it, and chucks it firmly in the ring. That hat has got to simultaneously decapitate his competitors…
The growing Conservative uprising concerning the leadership brings back fond memories of this post, where I reported on the cheering throngs on Question Time when Boris’s rise to the top…
In interesting insight into battling against Boris in recent election comes from an unusual source –, a “webzine for aspiring journalists”. In “Inside Boris Johnson Country“, Nicolas Newman details…
Good Bank Holiday news for all Boris fans – Andew Neil, who was parachuted in above Boris at The Spectator last year, has declared that Boris’s job is safe, in…
I don’t know if you settled down last night to watch Question Time on BBC1 – but if you didn’t you missed a treat. The discussions were a little humdrum,…