It was a meeting of two of rock music’s legends. Paul McCartney joined Bruce Springsteen on stage in London’s Hyde Park in front of thousands of adoring fans in a…
Is it simply a glorified funfair attraction, or a genuinely important transport link for London? Well, the Mayor was in town to launch the new Emirates Air Line stressing that…
Being in a coalition involves a bit of give and take. The Lib Dems have been forced to toe the Tory party line on certain issues – student funding, for…
Understanding the mystical creature that is Boris Johnson has concerned lots of top minds for years. What are his ambitions? What makes him tick? And what’s underneath that rough, flustered…
A bunch of OH NO’s echoed round Boriswatch Towers this week when we heard from Boris’s own mouth that his chance’s of becoming Prime Minister are fading. He told American…
“So”, says US talk show icon David Letterman. “How long have you been cutting your own hair…?” Boris was recently a guest on the Letterman show (video here) on a…
You might have thought Boris would be busy this weekend – what with a load of boats chugging up the Thames for Ma’am’s Jubilee, and all. However, the Mayor found…
Reading today that Boris has presided over a ‘bloody cull’ had us a bit worried. The last time we heard that phrase was when the council came round to remove…
Tara, one of our temps helping out with years of unsorted Boris-related filing, can’t abide sport. She won’t watch it on the telly and doesn’t know the difference between Jessica…