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Mayor In MAFIA Crime Boss Fine DRAMA

By April 25, 2013News

Boris taxiBozza Johnson, Mayor of London, has landed himself in hot water with OFFICIALS after failing to comply with a local parking restriction for the funeral of a GANGSTER. BORIS has been forced to pay a substantial FINE after recklessly failing to observe local bylaws in place for the funeral of an UNDERWORLD CRIME BOSS.


Residents’ parking bays in Islington were SUSPENDED for the funeral of crime boss George Adams in which his son Terry led a 30 strong cortege. However, the Mayor FAILED to observe the restriction and left his Toyota Previa parked ILLEGALLY where it was moved to another parking bay.


The Mayor has been FINED £65 although this fine was later rescinded as he holds a valid residents’ parking permit.

Mr Johnson’s spokeswoman said: “The council MOVED the Mayor’s car, and those of other local residents, to accommodate a funeral procession from a nearby church.”


“The Mayor had been approached to MOVE the car himself, which he was happy to do. However, when he went to do so he couldn’t find the car because it appeared the council had SWIFTLY solved the situation by moving it themselves to a parking bay NEARBY.”

[Yes, you can stop now with the Sun-esque reporting – Boriswatch Ed]

Oh. Let me summarise the story: Mayor parks car, it is moved, he isn’t fined. HOLD THE PRESS.

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