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A myriad of Thatcher monuments

By April 15, 2013News

Boris ThatcherAfter the passing of Baroness Thatcher, there has been plenty of debate as to the best way to commemorate the life of Britain’s first female Prime Minister. Of course, Boris has had an idea – or two, as it turns out.

Following the death of the former Conservative leader, Bozza told the Daily Telegraph that he wants to put up a statue of the late Baroness in a ‘prominent location’ in London. He said the former PM ‘deserves’ a memorial in the centre of the capital despite concerns that a statue might become a target for vandalism.

However, just a couple of days later Bozza came up with another idea: name his new airport after the former leader.

The Metro reports that ‘Johnson said the move would be a fitting way of remembering the country’s first female leader, who died this week aged 87.’

The Mayor told the Daily Mail: “Mega airports are springing up all over the continent that are stealing British trade and are a threat to our economy.

“It is why this country so desperately needs a new four runway hub airport and I can think of no name that would strike greater fear into the heart of our European rivals than Margaret Thatcher International Airport.”

A statue? An airport? Renaming Port Stanley? What’s your suggestion for a fitting Thatcher memorial?


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