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Cannes do attitude

By March 10, 2011News

Public services being slashed, hundreds of job cuts and tough spending decisions. It’s difficult being a politician right now…unless you’re living it up on a jolly on the French Riviera, of course.

As usual, the British papers have spotted that the Mayor and his delegation are on important overseas businesses and used it as an opportunity to have a pop at elected officials WHO ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO ANYTHING THAT INVOLVES SPENDING MONEY WHILST THE REST OF US HAVEN’T GOT ANY.

Boris has been at Mipim this week, promoting London by delivering important speeches to property types looking to invest. Of course, though, the newspapers don’t see it that way. The Daily Telegraph points out that ‘Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, heads a party of at least 13 from the Greater London Authority and its agencies, including four from the London Development Agency, even though it is being abolished next year and has been reduced to a rump of staff.’

The Daily Mail takes a more obvious approach, pointing out that ‘news of the taxpayer-funded jaunt comes at a time when public services are being cut around the country.’

Thankfully, the Mayor’s spokesman had the actual facts to hand. “The mayor spent one day at the conference, travelling economy class, and his packed itinerary saw him delivering two keynote speeches attended by key international developers and investors and attending meetings. As usual the mayor travelled with a very small team and all their overnight accommodation was provided free.â€?

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