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By September 15, 2010News

As more and more high profile figures join forces to launch legal action over the News of the World phone hacking fiasco, Bozza has made his position on the matter pretty clear, reports The Guardian.

Despite being a potential victim of the scam, Bozza has refused to “go into detail about what seems to be a case that has been very substantially investigated by all sorts of bodies. I don’t think the question of whether or not I am a victim is in any way new. It doesn’t seem to me to add to the weight of evidence.”

Speaking at his monthly Q&A with the London Assembly, Boris went on to remark that “Labour politicians have had five years to discover their principles about this and get outraged about what may or may not have happened.” Bozza argued that Labour had not acted until they were out of office and were now doing so “simply in order to score party political points against the prime minister’s press spokesman”, a reference to Andy Coulson, the former editor of the News of the World.

The Mayor also dismissed continuing concerns over the News of the World‘s use of phone hacking as “codswallop” that “looks like a politically motivated put-up job by the Labour party”.

I tell you what, we at Boriswatch Towers wish there were more things in the world that were ‘codswallop’. Bravo, Boris.

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