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England, custard and St George

By April 26, 2010News

On a day when David Cameron claimed that the Conservative Party should be “reclaiming the flag from the BNP and saying the flag belongs to the English people, all of them”, Boris outflanked his Tory colleagues by suggesting that St George’s Day could become a Bank Holiday.

Speaking at St George’s Day celebrations at historic Leadenhall Market in the City of London, Bozza said: “We are looking at it. But there are, of course, economic implications.�

In another sign that the Conservatives right arm doesn’t know what the left one is doing, the Mayor’s comments came the day after the Tories admitted they had no plans for a new bank holiday after Shadow Home Affairs Minister Andrew Rosindell bet £100 on April 23 becoming an official day off next year.

Bozza and Cameron celebrated the patron saints day together, with both men giving passionate speeches to an enthusiastic crowd.  In a stirring, patriotic moment, Boris ended his rousing St George’s Day address with the rallying call “Cry God for England, custard and St George”….

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