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The E Word

By October 5, 2009News

boris conferenceThe Conservative Party have enjoyed various levels of division over recent years.  Their current incarnation looks pretty tight under the careful stewardship of David Cameron but if there’s one word guaranteed to make the leadership cringe, it’s ‘Europe’.

Today, Bozza reignited the debate within the Tory party by calling for “a consultation as soon as possible” with the British people – read ‘referendum’ – on the subject of the Lisbon treaty.

Cameron has not committed to a referendum if the treaty has already been been ratified – he says he does not want to prejudice decisions in other countries that have yet to ratify the treaty. He has said only that the Conservatives “would not let matters rest”.

The Conservative leader also played down any division with the Mayor of London over Europe, saying “What we’re saying is as long as this treaty is being debated or looked at anywhere in Europe we can hold that referendum. That’s what Boris thinks, that’s what I think.”

And for those that haven’t seen BoJo gave to conference this morning:

BBC NEWS – Video of Full Speech

ITN News – Video of Boris’s Conference Funny Bits

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