He might well have his own TV channel by the time Bozza is finished this week. Fresh from his ‘starring’ (ahem) role in last Thursday’s Eastenders you can expect to see the Mayor of London all over your telly box this week (assuming that you’ve retuned it properly, that is.)
First up, BoJo is at the Conservative Party Conference on Monday where he’ll address the Tory faithful and many believe that Bozza’s appearance could be the highlight of the event (Not often you see ‘party conference’ and ‘highlight’ in the same sentence. Bear with us.)
And, on Wednesday, More4 screens the drama When Boris Met Dave which recounts high jinks and tales from the pair’s days at the Oxford Bullingdon Club. There’s been some controversy about this already as whilst Boris tells a grand tale of being held in police cells overnight after some drunken capers….er, no-one else actually remembers that to be the case.  A fellow Bullingdonian who was held in police custody denies Johnson was there, and a former club officer has also confirmed there is nothing in its records to indicate Johnson was detained.
James Hanning, Cameron’s biographer, said that when he was researching the book he found an eyewitness who claimed to have seen Johnson escape in a taxi whose driver saw him running away and called: “Hop in, they’ve just arrested your mates.� Hanning said last week: “Boris was seen legging it across a bridge.�
Anyway, the show includes the incident and will cap a week of television appearances ranging from the potentially sublime (depending how his Conference speech goes) to the downright ridiculous.