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Peaches and Lettice

By August 3, 2009News

It’s been a bit of a slow news week at BHQ over the last few days. Apart from some commitments to planting more trees in London and appearing in an ECB video belting out Jerusalem in support of the England cricket team, nothing particularly entertaining has caught our eye.

In the absence of some top notch hilarious Boris-ness, we thought we’d instead tell you ten things you may not know about the London Mayor. Ahem. *clears throat*

1. He was born in New York City
2. His two daughter’s middle names are Peaches and Lettice (no, we are not making this up)
3. BoJo was sacked from the Conservative front bench in 2004 amid allegations he lied about an affair with Spectator reporter Petronella Wyatt. Johnson called the allegations “an inverted pyramid of piffle”
4. Several news providers (including Germany’s Der Spiegel) quoted Bozza in the Mayoral election campaign as saying “if you vote for the Conservatives, your wife will get bigger breasts, and your chances of driving a BMW M3 will increase.”
5. Johnson is the ninth slowest “star in a reasonably priced car” on the popular BBC show Top Gear. He completed his lap in 1m 56sec.
6. Johnson read Classics at Balliol College, Oxford
7. In August 2008, Johnson broke from the traditional procedure of those in public office not publicly commenting on other nations’ elections when he openly endorsed then-Senator Barack Obama for the Presidency of the US. Johnson said “Unlike the current occupant of the White House, he has no difficulty in orally extemporising a series of grammatical English sentences, each containing a main verb.”
8. Johnson succeeded Michael Heseltine as Member of Parliament for Henley
9. BoJo successfully committed boiled eggs, Lynda Lee Potter, smoking bans and Richard Clayderman to Room 101
10. Johnson was nominated for a BAFTA in 2004 for his performance on the BBC comedy quiz Have I Got News For You?

Blimey. Never a dull moment, is there?


  • Geoff Head says:

    Do you know, I thought I knew everything about the man – but you’ve enlightened me!

  • angela says:

    A warning should go out at Boriswatch Towers! Lily Allen says that when she is finished with singing (!) she is considering a career as a cricket commentator.(!!!***^^^!!!)

    Lily, being a cricket commentator involves a tiny bit more than saying you fancy Graham Onions and remarking “Freddy Flintoff is f….. fit!”

    Still, maybe it is a good idea to direct Lily’s energies away from the political scene…………

  • angela says:

    A few more funny facts about Boris Johnson.

    1) His favourite film is “Jaws” because his hero is the Mayor of Amity. (Think about this one).

    2) The Mayor is a keen rugby player – even in footballs matches.

    3) His nickname for Ken Livingstone is “King Newt” during the Mayoral Election. (ps. Ken is not so keen on newts now, because he says they lack personality (!). He has switched his affection to frogs.)

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