The figure parading down the South Bank this week in their Speedos with their blonde hair waving in the breeze made many a passer-by gasp in surprise…. and for many it was a charming sight to see Olympic gold medalist Rebecca Adlington in London promoting the “Pools 4 Schools” swimming initiative.

"Breaststroke? Don't mind if I do..."
Oh, and Bozza was there as well.
Thankfully (some would say) the mayor wasn’t sporting a Borat-esque banana hammock and indulging in heavy petting with a fourth former….
The “Pools 4 Schools” campaign aims to provide mobile “flat pack” swimming pools to schools and deprived areas with the hope of teaching ten thousand children to swim in the next twelve months. Such a pool will remain on the South Bank and be free to use over the summer (but potential users have to book in advance).
In a slightly oblique reference to the return to profits of some of the city’s major financial houses, BoJo observed “If there are any bankers who are in possession of multi-million pound bonuses this August, then what finer way of palliating any guilt you may have than to donate that bonus to our programme to roll out mobile swimming pools across London.”
There you go, Sir Fred – what better way to repair your reputation than donating a few bob to enable Boris to put giant paddling pools in school playgrounds?