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The Mayor storm is brewing…

By August 22, 2007News

Here in Boriswatch Towers, in between large bites of Gü Puds‘ chocolate brownies, Team BoJo is contemplating the recent press. Boris is coming under increasing flak recently, so I thought it was time to cast a Boriswatch eye over the recent headlines and blog posts. Prepare your foil hats, Boriswatchers…

  • ConservativeHome are doing a cracking job of keeping up with the Mayor campaign, and have found a newspaper cutting from New Nation newspaper, which does a great job of taking race comments by Boris completely out of context. It notes that there is a concerted effort by London’s African and Caribbean communities to denigrate BoJo. Why are they so desperate to keep Ken that they skew the playing field? Or is it that they are linked to Ken in some way? Boriswatch needs to know…
  • Also in one of the comments of the above post, it’s noted that the 1990 Trust is making anti-Boris statements. “They should be referred to the Charity Commission”, it points out, “for making blatant political statements”.
  • The Guardian has been staunchly anti-Boris, making a lot of capital out of Doreen Lawrence’s comments. Doreen, it seems, has a highly tuned mind and astonishing memory – she manages to quote very old Boris quotes verbatim, a feat that even Boriswatch can’t manage. Several letters have appeared on their pages, including this one, that quote people “offended by Boris”. Such an uptake of negative comments can only point to an propaganda campaign being contrived by pro-Ken supporters, surely?
  • The Wimbledon Guardian reports that Labour are trying to wreck the voting to choose the official Conservative contender, which only serves to prove they see him as a genuinely large threat. And, of course, that they are short on morals, as is the editor of The New Statesman, who calls for everyone to join in the biased voting. However, I bet Tory Central Office are cockahoop at the free publicity for their election voting system…
  • Talking of which, Boris and The New Statesman are clearly never going to sit kissing in a tree, being at the opposite ends of the political spectrum to the formerly Boris-edited Spectator. Boriswatch remembers the slight given to Boris’s official website in the New Statesman Awards a couple of years ago, when Boris’s deserving site didn’t win the main political award as “the choice amounted to a postcode lottery” (as if that had any bearing on a website) and the award was declared “null and void”. Another unbalanced article was posted recently on their pages, titled “We’re Right Behind You“, which turns out to be deeply sarcastic.

Boris has remained uncharacteristically calm during the growing storm, thanks I’m sure to his campaign PR team. At least he can always count on his dad, Stanley, who writes a rousing piece in support of his son on his website.
If Boriswatchers have any thoughts, let us know. We need Boris and his formidable intellect to brighten and enhance our lives.
Boriswatch remains vigilant for the anti-Boris vigilantes.


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