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Melissa fills me in…

By March 28, 2005News
[Apologies for the long gap in posts – but here’s a bumper one for you] The election, it seems, is just around the corner. And while others are thinking of the political impact of Blair and Howard, us Boriswatchers have far more pressing things on our minds – what will Boris be doing after the election? Well, I had the honour of meeting Melissa, Boris’s right-hand woman, last week and managed to get a few gems out of her:
– Boris is very committed to his political career, contrary to some reports – and if things continue to brighten for the Conservatives he will choose just the one career path… (I’ll leave you to work out which one…)
– Boris has laid low after last year, but post-election he’ll ramp up the appearances again – a blessing for all of us!
– He was due to appear on Have I Got News For You at the end of last year, but had to put it off for obvious reasons! However, he may well have another go this year…
– Boris watches both his official website and Boriswatch and loves reading the comments!
So there is still a bright future in the offing – and people around Westminster were still hinting that they think he’s a future leader. While I was sitting on his green sofa in his Houses of Parliament office, I was amazed by the amount of people poking their head round the door to catch a glimpse of Boris – and a tad disappointed to find my cheesy face staring back. Still, it’s a good sign that his celebrity status is alive and well. Bring on the election, and a return to the all-encompassing Borismania…


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