Bit short notice – in fact, very – but Boris on Newsnight Review with his new book Seventy Two Virgins at 11pm tonight… UPDATE: And the verdict? A resounding thumbs…
Matt from Phantom Beats reports of a good interview with Radio Oxford… and has a few titbits of info for us. Take it away, Matt: “Just spoken to a journalist…
A couple of hot Boris tipoffs: 1. Forum reader Ziggy wrote in about a Boris interview on Front Row at 7.15pm tonight (6th September) on Radio 4 (92 to 95…
Just thought I’d take a moment to say thanks for the flood of emails that’s come in recently – if I haven’t posted the relevant info yet, it’ll be up…
Boris is spearheading an audicious plot to impeach Blair over the Iraq war. Read his latest article on the subject, and find more here at The Scotsman. UPDATE: And now…
Boriswatch has got secret word of two excellent Boris developments. Firstly, an online presence from the man himself may be in the works with a little help from Boriswatch and…
Astonishing news just in from Matt from Phantom Beats. They are collaborating with Boris Johnson MP on a new music single, which has already started playing in UK venues! Here’s…
An exciting titbit of information from Boriswatch reader Ria: “Hi, in case you haven’t already spotted it: Boris is being launched onto the unsuspecting Americans via an interview in this…
After years of treading carefully, Boris is within sniffing distance of a racy Government scandal. The news that his married Spectator publisher, Kimberley Fortier, is embroiled in an affair with…
With a portrait that is the spitting image of Boris, ThisIsSouthDevon reports that his dad Stanley is aiming to follow his high profile son into the House of Commons. A…