An excellent report of Boris’s “frenzied night” at Edinburgh University is detailed here in the Edinburgh Student Newspaper. GO BORIS! What other MP would even consider being this legendary?!
Hot on the heels of Boris’s “Rome” mini-series, it seems there is going to be a documentary on Boris’s early life in the near future. Filming is taking place now…
Boriswatcher Steven has emailed in to alert us to Boris4Rector, a site dedicated to Boris’s quest to be Edinburgh University Rector!
There’s an interesting debate on the “Rome is an Education” post, and one which I have to say has knocked me off my perch. “TC” wrote a comment yesterday bemoaning…
The first online review for The Dream of Rome, Boris’s new book, is in The Times, and it seems they like it! P.S. Remember Boris’s appearance tonight in the from…
After making small but important media waves in defending “Mickey Mouse” degrees on his website – pronouncing “One man’s Mickey Mouse course is another man’s literae humaniores – this week…
Eagle-eyed Boriswatch visitor Dafyd J has spotted a new Boris book in the offing at Amazon. Called “The Dream Of Rome”, it ties in with a television series which sees…
For morbid personal reasons that don’t need airing in this delightful haunt, Boriswatch has dragged its hind quarters in the last couple of weeks. So without further ado, let us…
After a short break to relax from an increasingly hectic year, Boris has now returned fit and fresh – and ready to get his teeth into Higher Education. And being…
Well, that’s it. Boriswatch is completely stuffed with turkey, sprouts and cake. Can barely move. But I’ve made a special trip to wish you all very Merry Christmas! Have a…