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One of those medieval pigs with an apple

By July 3, 2013News

Boris LBCThis week saw the latest step in Bozza’s attempt for World Domination. His brand new monthly radio show, Ask Boris, debuted on radio station LBC and gave listeners the opportunity to quiz the Mayor on a range of issues.

According to the Daily Telegraph, it took a while for Boris to work out who was actually presenting the show. “Early on he noticed with some alarm that a man sitting on the other side of the studio kept butting in to ask him questions.

“Hang on,” spluttered Boris. “Are you allowed to keep interrupting me like this?”

“Yes,” said the man.

“OK, fine,” said Boris meekly. “I hadn’t realised that.”

Having established that the man – better known to listeners as Nick Ferrari, of LBC’s breakfast show – was his co-host, Boris grew in confidence.”

The Mayor fielded questions on stolen bus stops, fracking and illegal immigrants. And, at one point, he claimed that “London is one of the best cities in the world to have a stroke,” – a claim we all hope we’ll never have to personally verify. Other choice phrases included ‘one of those medieval pigs with an apple’, ‘thing had a warp in in, like a spoon’ and ‘I think it was Johannesburg airport’.

He also claimed that: “Labour put in a load of wind farms that failed to pull the skin off a rice pudding.” [I’m not sure that’s what they are designed for – Boriswatch Environment Editor]

All in all, the Telegraph said that ‘it was great fun to listen to’. Much like the Mayor in general, eh?

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