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Gangnam Style

By October 11, 2012News

It’s Conference season in UK politics and Boris has, yet again, wowed audiences and voters with another masterful appearance. The Mayor was greeted at Birmingham’s New Street station by hordes of photographers and received a standing ovation at the Birmingham Symphony Hall just for walking onto the stage.

He wished the PM a happy birthday before reminding Cameron that he’d recently referred to Johnson as a “blond-haired mop”.

He added: “If I am a mop, David Cameron, you are a broom – a broom that is clearing up the mess left by the Labour government, and a fantastic job you are doing. I congratulate you and your colleagues – George Osborne the dustpan, Michael Gove the J Cloth, William Hague the sponge.”

At Boriswatch HQ, this was our favourite bit. Who can’t like a potential Prime Minister claiming to have danced Gangnam style?

Following his speech, I read a lovely article in the Telegraph which suggests that in an era of celebrity, Bozza’s knockabout humour and rockstar image are, actually, the perfect blend to woo voters. But, will he ever get the top job?

Writing in the newspaper, Harry Mount says: “A couple of weeks ago, I had a drink with one of Boris Johnson’s classics tutors at Oxford University, and asked him about his pupil’s chances of making it to Downing Street. “Capax imperii nisi imperasset…” he said.

As Boris will know, his old tutor was echoing the Roman historian Tacitus on the Emperor Galba: “He was up to the job of emperor as long as he never became emperor.””

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