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Chicken feed

By January 28, 2012News

We at Boriswatch Towers have seen some strange things in our time.  A man running across Richmond Park yelling “FENTON!” at the top of his voice.  Anne Widdecombe on Strictly Come Dancing.  Anything starring Noel Fielding.

And, Boris has had his fair share of video japes over the years.  Falling into a river.  Assaulting an ex-international footballer in a charity event.  Trying to get the better of Jeremy Paxman.

However, this video landed on our desk this week and it’s arguably the oddest of them all.  Yes, it’s Boris on his bike at City Hall being chased by a large chicken.  Apparently, it’s got something to do with Boris’ apparent reluctance to enter into a debate with Mayoral rival Ken Livingstone and him describing his £250,000 annual salary from the Daily Telegraph as ‘chicken feed’.

Anyway: here it is.  *lies down*

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