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Boris ‘in danger of losing his hard-won reputation for being gaffe-prone’

By October 12, 2011News

Bozza’s been at the Conservative Party Conference this week and the general consensus was that he’d won the ‘funniest speech’ award in a competition with, er, one entrant.

In a performance that would make Jimmy Carr quake in his boots, Boris cracked funny after funny. After pointing out that the wheels for London’s new rolling stock are being made in a factory in Manchester, Bozza said: “So I say to my friends in the Treasury, not all of whom I see here – I see Dave here – F. D. Roosevelt had the new deal, I give you the wheel deal.”

Wheel deal! Ha ha ha ha.

And, after the Mayor had paid tribute to ‘the broom brigade of Clapham’ who cleared up after the riots, he could not resist adding: “That’s right. Clap ’em.”

Clapham! Clap ’em! You see what he did, there?

Boris also made a guest appearance at the Tory Treasurer’s party on Monday night. According to City AM, the Prime Minister greeted Bozza with ‘a huge hug and a firm arm clasp, to cheers from the crowd’. The Mayor joked: “The last time we gripped each other as tightly as this, people thought this was the first civil partnership in the Conservative Party.”

*splits sides with laughter*

Interestingly, the Mayor’s increasing confidence and appeal resulted in this assessment from the Daily Telegraph. “We blow the gaff on Boris: he is in danger of losing his hard-won reputation for being gaffe-prone… “

One Comment

  • maradine jones says:

    Boris and his cycle hire scheme team, view churches as a soft touch for building his bike rails out side of, he has no consideration for places of worship and this is a stumbling block that his critics will capitalise on, see the light Boris

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