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What’s a greek urn? About 50 drachma an hour

By June 24, 2011News

The imminent return of the drachma could be a step closer this week after it was revealed that Greece actually needs in the region of 78.4 gazillion euros in order to solve its financial crisis.

Whilst the eurozone politicians scratch their heads and wonder how they can help the ailing country (surely they can remortgage the Acropolis?) others think it’s time to stop bailing Greece out and let them sink under the weight of their debts.

Taking a break from his job of running London, Boris has decided to poke his nose into international affairs. “For years, European governments have been saying that it would be insane and inconceivable for a country to leave the euro,” he wrote in the Daily Telegraph. “But this second option is now all but inevitable, and the sooner it happens the better.”

Boris also called the Greeks ‘reckless’ and, according to the Guardian, ‘warned the coalition government that Britain should not be expected to contribute to any new bailout of the crisis-stricken Greek economy.’

Running up huge debts and bankrupting the country to host the Olympic Games such as Athens did in 2000? Irresponsible and reckless. We’d never be as stupid to do something like that….

Eh? Oh.

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