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The Butt of the PMs Jokes

By June 14, 2011News

We’ve all been the butt of jokes at some point in our lives, haven’t we? I remember the Boriswatch Christmas Party in 2008 when one of our senior members of staff told a series of increasingly lewd jokes about the alleged nighttime exploits of [Snip – Boriwswatch Superinjuction Consultant] in front of the entire office.

And now, the Prime Minister has decided it’s acceptable to crack ‘funnies’ about two of his best known colleagues. At the Conservative Party Summer Ball (ooh, that sounds like fun, doesn’t it?), the PM decided to pick on Bozza and Ken Clarke in his speech.

At the event at the Natural History Museum, Cameron apparently looked around theatrically to see if he could spot the Mayor in the audience. “I was getting worried I hadn’t seen Boris,â€? he said, smirking. “I kept asking, ‘Has any one seen Boris?’ But then I learnt he had popped off to the museum’s Sexual Nature exhibition. Now, that’s no surprise, is it?â€?

Oooh. Get you, PM.

On a gin-fuelled roll [Allegedly – Boriswatch Lawyer] the PM then took aim at another senior Tory. “It says something about how far we have come as a party that we can hold our summer event among all these dinosaurs in this museum and not give a toss what the press say, eh?â€? he said, looking at Justice Secretary, Ken Clarke.

Next week, Cameron will join Andy Parsons’ team on Mock the Week, before appearing with Jason Manford on 8 Out of 10 Cats.

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