It’s worked for the film industry, with blockbusting kids films such as Despicable Me, Bolt and Tangled being brought to life by the power of 3D cinema. It’s also worked with television, with a breathtaking array of sport, documentaries and TV shows now available in high definition.
And now, it’s possible to enjoy the Boris Johnson experience in technicolour 3D.
By getting yourself a pair of these red glasses, you can now enjoy ‘Mayor 3D’ – a brand new service which brings the Mayor to life in three stunning dimensions.
Boris launched the brand new version of, er, himself at the gala opening of the Wimbledon Film and Television Studios, at the swanky Soho Hotel. According to Screen Daily, ‘the film-loving mayor joked that he had recently spotted his office, City Hall, in the background of a gigantic poster for the latest Harry Potter film (“Harry Potter And The Awful Experience or whatever it wasâ€?) on the side of a London bus as it “glided past at the average speed of 9.4 miles per hour.â€?’
Whether Boris 3D is to be rolled out to all London residents over the next couple of years isn’t clear. So, in the meantime, anyone without the appropriate eyewear will have to continue enjoying the Mayor in boring old two dimensions.