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Bozza a better quiz team-mate than Paxo, says poll

By October 1, 2010News

So, then. You’re in the Dog and Duck on a Wednesday night, waiting for Quizmaster Dave to arrive and get this week’s event under way.

Whilst you’re sipping your Malibu and coke, you get involved in a discussion about who would form your fantasy Pub Quiz team. Who would you pick?

Well, it is a question that St John Ambulance has asked 160 City of London firms. To drum up support for its black tie City quiz, they have done a bit of research to find out who City types would most like on their quiz team.

You won’t be surprised to know that the absolute runaway winner (with 57% of the votes) was raconteur, author and general genius Stephen Fry. You may also fail to raise an eyebrow that academic clever-bloke Stephen Hawking came in second place (although I bet he knows nothing about Coronation Street or the Mercury Music Prize.)

In third place, however, beating the likes of Carol Vorderman, Jeremy Paxman and Clive Anderson came none other than the Mayor himself. With 7.3% of the votes, Boris is a more sought after quiz team-mate than either the Countdown maths woman or Newsnight‘s grumpy host. He also beat BBC business editor Robert Peston (a slightly surprising option, if you ask me) and Martha Lane-Fox.

It would be quite an intimidating team – Fry, Hawking and Johnson – but I reckon we could have them in the music round.

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