You will recall that, for a long spell, the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square featured hundreds of people doing weird things for an hour at a time. It was all in the name of art, innit.
Clearly, that palaver is all over now and so there’s an empty spot in the middle of London desperate for some more artistic nonsense. And, this week, Boris has unveiled the shortlist for the Trafalgar Square plinth. It contains a number of suggestions, most of which ‘play on notions of British identity, probing themes of heroism, heritage and conquest.’
*nods sagely*
Two of the shortlist will be commissioned to go on the plinth next year. The shortlist as unveiled by Bozza is a weird mix….
1. A fictional mountainscape which shows the outline of Britain
2. A real ATM that will make organ noises when you withdraw cash (eh? How is that probing themes of British heroism or conquest?)
3. A golden boy on a golden rocking horse
4. A giant Battenburg cake built out of bricks
5. A giant blue cockerel
6. A replica of the equestrian statue of Field Marshal Sir George White
Granted, it’s not what we expected. However it is, honestly, the genuine shortlist. Does the centre of London really need a giant Battenburg…?
The blue cockerel is fantastic. I also like the sound of the boy on the rocking horse. We need to get a good look at all the possibilities, but these two have a lot of appeal. All the suggestions are very unusual and imaginative. Which is great.