You may remember some time ago that we at Boriswatch reported this story, about the Mayor negotiating with the Daleks on behalf of the Earth.
Well, it appears that our intimation that Bozza is somehow aligned with the Doctor has been confirmed this week.
You may think it’s ridiculous that the present Mayor of London can be in some way a companion of the Doctor, a person who many of you will no doubt consider a fictional character. However, we have evidence from the Mayor’s own Twitter account today that he is, indeed, a time-traveller.
“Super event this morning with Louis Vuitton at the Royal Academy. Perhaps I should have worn a better suit!” chirruped the Mayor this morning. Now then. Those of you with a little bit of historical knowledge, will know that Louis Vuitton, the founder of the famous, er, ‘handbag company’, died on February 27th, 1892. A full 118 years ago! So, all you non-believers, proof that Boris must be a Gallifreyan or have access to the Doctor’s little blue box.
[Or, of course, Boris could have been launching the Louis Vuitton Young Arts Project, which ‘seeks to instil and nurture an exploration, enjoyment and passion for the arts among young people which they can take into adult life and perhaps follow as a career’. The picture of Bozza at the launch doesn’t look very Victorian to me…Oh, and consider this your first verbal warning. We at Boriswatch HQ have had quite enough of this Doctor Who nonsense – Boriswatch Ed]