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USA! Day!

By February 19, 2010News

Bozza’s never far from people having a pop at a decision he has made, it seems.  You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people all of the time, and some of all of the London people nearly all of the time in London, but it seems that you can’t please all of the Londoners all of the time, somewhere in London.

Or something.

Anyway, City Hall has cut the funding for a number of multicultural events including Black History Month, Africa Day and St Patrick’s Day.  Instead, however, we are going to have a USA! Day! at which we can all stand in the middle of London’s pavements, blocking pedestrians whilst trying to photograph a famous landmark and eating a doughnut.

USA! Day! is getting £100,000, apparently, which by our calculations still won’t be enough for the size of buffet you’d need to do the USA proud. Also, we’re not entirely sure what the point of it is, as if I went to New York on my holidays, the last thing I’d probably want to do is attend a street party where I could sing God Save The Queen and eat a slice of black pudding.

Another winner is St George’s Day, which is also getting an extra £100,000.  However, the GLA isn’t, apparently, “a cash cow nor a financial lifeline”. The Mayor’s spokesman added, “The GLA does not own Black History Month or Africa Day, but we would hope community groups would be able to develop programmes that mark these in a similar way.”


  • angelneptunestar says:

    Wasn’t it a business decision about USA Day, because they provide so much for British tourism? It isn’t just all hearts and flowers and waffle these days, it comes down to what is best for London and the country financially, we need to face hard facts.That is just sensible, but I am really glad about St. George’s Day.

  • angelneptunestar says:

    ps. I like black pudding, is that awfully infra dig?

  • antony says:

    A lot of people like St. George’s Day.

  • raincoaster says:

    Having a USA day is not going to draw Americans to London; they can just stay home and get their Yank on any time they want.
    .-= raincoaster´s last blog ..Quick Filler Quiz: what movie is your lovelife like =-.

  • guestwriter says:

    I love black pudding. However, I tend to subscribe to the “when in Rome….” philosophy when on holiday, so if I were in New York I suppose I’d be more likely to be eating a Pretzel the size of a small European principality.

  • Absolutely Brilliant! Irish people contributed to THIS country, so cut te funding for st Patrick’s day, Black history month shows our histpry for what it is, so cut that too, and instead MAKE UP A NEW DAY?!?

    People need to invest in bringing tourists to the UK, so this is really detremental to getting us well and truly on the road to economic growth.

    …and “Bozza”?? Does he wave gladiolas about, too??

    .-= Matthew Connaughton´s last blog ..Come fly with me..out of the recession =-.

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