If there’s one thing you don’t EVER want your politicians to do, it’s try and get jiggy with the youth. It never works, does it?
So today, when outlining his support for 2010’s Big Dance on Twitter, BoJo uttered:
“Join the fun in July & in the words of @ladygaga JUST DANCE!”?
We’d love to know if Bozza actually knows who Lady GaGa is…
I had a fit of the giggles when I read this. Getting jiggy with Lady Gaga……. hahahaha
On the other hand, I don’t know why I’m laughing at Boris. I’m always kidding myself I am way cool and using words like “like” and “totally”. Burn baby burn…. disco inferno…. those were the days. Actually I was a rock chick, with purple hair, into Led Zep.
I gather Bozza was a rock chick, with purple hair, into Led Zep, in his Bullingdon Club days. Cameron preferred Judas Priest, apparently.
Oh oh oh, make it stop! just seen a video of Boris doing the hokey cokey OHMIGOD!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMxbGOHU29U Boris unless you want Ken to win by a landslide, stay away from the hokey cokey and dancing with other guys! Murder on the Dance Floor…..
ps. Was Boris really into Led Zep, hahaha, I’m still a big fan. Those bluesy rock songs, Since I’ve Been Loving You, Dazed and Confused, Babe I’m Gonna Leave You…. Man oh man! Jimmy Paige is an incredible guitarist
.-= angela´s last blog ..BORIS HANDS OVER MET TO KIT MALTHOUSE =-.