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Shaping London

By October 13, 2009News

transport“…integrated economic, environmental, transport and social framework for the development of the capital over the next 20-25 years….”, “…intentions to promote London internationally, to keep our business environment competitive and to give all Londoners the opportunity to share in this success….”, “…plans for London’s transport over the next 20 years….”

*nods off*

Eh? Oh. Yes, this is the sparkling and vital news that Boris has published three draft strategies which he believes are “central to shaping London’s future.” There’s a London Plan, a Transport Strategy and an Economic Development Strategy, all of which can be read and commented upon here.

(I’m not sure how little else you’d have to have on to read these, but they are here if you want them. We’re public spirited like that.) Apparently the Mayor is obliged to publish such reports every five years.

The strategy documents have already caused some ripples with their proposal to introduce road pricing. The Transport Strategy says “The Mayor may consider road user charging schemes if other measures at the Mayor’s disposal are deemed insufficient to meet the strategy’s objectives” whereas the Mayor’s spokesman Kulveer Ranger says “There is absolutely no scheme in the Mayor’s Transport Strategy to introduce road user charging in London.”


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