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Tweet Boris Tweet

By March 14, 2009News

boris-twitterEnterprising web folks have launched TweetBorisTweet, a site where visitors can vote on a new background for Boris’s Twitter page!
Boris has become on of the most followed UK twitterers, even though cynics might claim he doesn’t necessarily do the tweeting himself. However, gems do appear from time to time – take this one from yesterday:

“Due to popular demand here is the recipe for my homemade chutney. Apple, raisins, vinegar, sugar & onion. All in a pan. Cook till ready. Eat.”


  • raincoaster says:

    If he’s not Following me I can’t be bothered to care. Harumph.

    And what’s this about Blocking people? Nobody but an amateur Blocks people!

    raincoaster’s last blog post..SO not seeing the problem here

  • angel says:

    If Boris did tweet himself, his followers would rival Obamas. Mere mortals have to build up their followers over time, but the Mayor attracts them by the thousands, just by issuing a few lousy formal declarations.


    ps. raincoaster, being blocked by the Mayor is the ultimate compliment. He is so good natured, to offend him, you have to be really really bad. Anyone in this position is entitled to have a T shirt made and wear it with pride. I WAS BLOCKED BY BORIS JOHNSON. Probably be worth a fortune by the time he is PM.

    pps. Don’t suppose you remember, but there was an over active dart player and girls would have T shirts made. I SAID NO TO TONY KNOWLES.

  • catherine says:

    That chutney recipe actually makes pretty great chutney if you follow the additional tips from Boris’s aides. It is definitely worth trying. Find it on

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