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Grudging praise breaks out

By November 26, 2008News

A cathartic look back at Boris’s first 6 months has spread across the Evening Standard. Six months on – the Boris audit in the Mayor-friendly paper has many good things to mention on the Big Bozza, including a list of promises kept and ones that are coming. In the same paper, Boris’s old enemy Yasmin Alibhai-Brown gives a grudging vote of praise to Boris, noting that he is making sensible changes that don’t necessarily toe the party line.

Boriswatch is of course giddy with happiness that, as Dave Hill mentioned in his Guardian column “idiot savant no more“, Boris is not being the buffoon that many predicted! “Have you noticed how,” Dave writes, “no one is calling Boris blundering, bumbling or indeed an idiot any more?”

What do you think? Is Boris confounding his critics?

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