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Boris’s Telegraph column ends

By January 10, 2008News

One of the great bastions of Boriswatchers everywhere – the weekly Boris Daily Telegraph column – has come to an end this morning, with his last post “And finally, something to offend King Newt.” 20 years the great man has been submitting his weekly columns – some of the comments on his Telegraph page even contemplated cancelling their subscription when they heard the news. Boris is streamlining, Ladies and Gentlemen – prepare for the onslaught!


  • raincoaster says:

    Oh, damn.

    Of course, I think he’s lying about the manuscript. Any real writer would have thrown himself after it like Holmes after Moriarty.

  • james says:

    Perhaps you can help me. Boris has not made it clear whether he would resign as an mp if he becomes mayor or whether he will move his family and himself actually into london. Is he going to be major of london while not living there and work part time as an MP?

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