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Lynton Crosby hired for Mayoral bid

By December 27, 2007Mayor, News

2008 will be Boris’s biggest year. There have been rumours that Boris, as ever, hasn’t had full focus of the main job in hand – but the Evening Standard reports the first sign that things are getting serious. Lynton Crosby, described as a “fine purveyor of the political dark arts”, has been enlisted to help with Boris’ mayoral campaign. This, of course, is a snub for Dan Ritterband, who has been moved sideways and will concentrate on strategy instead.
Boriswatch is rubbing its hands with glee. Roll on 2008, and Mayor Boris!


  • bill grant says:

    this will be a typical self promote of crosby. a great guy to have a drink with but a hopeless UK strategist. after mixed results in australia he will portray this as all down to crosby if boris wins and “you cant fatten the pig on market day” if boris loses ie not enough time for me to weave my magic

  • Aussie Lad says:

    Crosby specialises in the dodgy dog whistle approach to politics. Crosby excels in unrelentingly negative campaigning. Expect more veiled messages couched around political correctness to start emerging from Boris.

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