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News Roundup 2 – Websites, influence and more

By November 24, 2007News

Following on from News Roundup 1 – a burgeoning series disguising considerable procrastination on Boriswatch’s part – here’s another roundup of recent Boris stories…

– Boris loses out on “Best Designed Website” award – narrowly – to Paul Flynn, MP for Newport West. How that happened, we’ll never know. it appears Paul’s favourite colour is green.
– 13 is Boris’s favourite poll rating number. After coming 13th in a poll to find the wittiest people in history, he’s now come 13th in The Right’s Most Influential People. Quite a respectable score, we reckon…
– Slightly less respectable is the revelation that Boris was caught on his mobile phone while driving a dodgy car by the Sunday Mirror…
– Boris sums up Gordon Brown’s election indecision brilliantly: “He’s sat so long on the fence that the iron has entered his soul.”

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