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BorisForMayor – a syndicated Boriswatch

By August 24, 2007August 27th, 2007News

Boriswatch Towers is this afternoon unsure whether to be happy or not with a new site that’s just popped up on the Boriswatch radar – The positives – it’s nicely designed, it’s got a cute tagline – “Give Boris a BJ” – and will help spread the word about Boris. The negatives – is a site first registered, along with a load of other similar ones, by David Herskovic. He apparently offered it to Boris at cost price, but has now had a change of heart, and made it’s main text content a syndicated version of Boriswatch! We do the work, he gets the content. Still, at least this will appear nicely on his site…
UPDATE 26th Aug: After a brief moment of offline action, the site’s moved to And it’s still syndicating Boriswatch’s content – but doesn’t appear to include this post any more…


  • Richard says: seems to have been taken offline now.

  • raincoaster says:

    Keep an eye on Technorati; those people never learn until the lesson kicks them right in the wallet. If they’re running adsense, you can report them to Google by clicking on the Google link at the bottom of the ads. You will have to do it repeatedly, though; they’re slow.

    Too bad Guido won’t say a word about conflict on the Boris side, because a slight mention from him would put this guy running down the street with his tail between his legs, booed at every pub in England.

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