The delightful author Tessa Harris has forwarded me a copy of her latest article, the headline article from a magazine called Berkshire Life. In it, Boris issues a rare rebuke of the accusation that his persona is sometimes forced. “I don’t think I consciously play to the gallery, but I think we all get our mental wires crossed sometimes. My mind’s often in another place.” As if to clarify – always a bad move – he goes on, “It’s like there’s a group of baggage handlers at the back of my brain and these words come out on a conveyor belt, but sometimes the baggage handlers go on strike and they throw it all upside down.” Boriswatch couldn’t have put it better!
Here is the article (you’ll need Flash to enjoy):
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The magazine is widely available now in Waitrose and other supermarkets and in WHSmith’s in the Berkshire and Chilterns areas – or by calling 01858 438832 for a posted copy.
There seems to be a subtle resurgence in Boris material recently – and the mention in this article of his “agent” Wayne Lawley seems to indicate he’s taking his image a bit more seriously nowadays. I remember hearing of Wayne’s increased involvement a couple of months ago. It’ll be interesting to see how the seemingly new angle pans out…