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England’s secret weapon

By May 3, 2006News

Switch to Five now and watch Boris playing in the England vs. Germany charity football match! England are currently losing 0-1 – but the big Bozza is about to take to the field. Fingers crossed…
Favourite Boris quotes so far:
When asked how the game’s going: “The Germans are taking this game worryingly seriously.”
When asked how he found playing: “My preparation [for this match] has been entirely mental.”
When asked how he survived: “Reliance on sheer panic”.
UPDATE: Well, that was comedy in a Boris-shaped nutshell! The standing ovation when he came on, the forward roll-style tackle into an opponent, the chants of “BOR-IS! BOR-IS!” from the stands – he was a legend in his own football match. Stunning, truly stunning. GO BORIS!
UPDATE 2: The Telegraph has an in-depth review of Boris’s performance on the field.


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