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Lunchtime Campaigning…

By April 11, 2005News

News reaches Boriswatch that even at Sunday lunch Boris has his mind on political matters. The Guardian asked him yesterday, “Are you campaigning today?”. Boris replied, “I’m having Sunday lunch with my family. I’m vigorously campaigning, inculcating my children in the benefits of a Tory government.” Boriswatchers, it’s time to get the dictionary out again


  • John says:

    Heh, I think Boris has chosen the wrong audience to preach to…. I don’t think kids can vote.

  • Ian MacMillan says:

    Did you see last Thursday’s FT headline (Going to the blogs, How the web can influence the election campaign), and the article by FT correspondent John Lloyd (Politics takes off into the blogosphere). I quote “This will be a blogging election: bloggers, already a political and media force in the US, will have a real visibility in the UK for the first time”.

    Will blogging really have that much impact? How will you know? Do you use that buzz-map tool for measuring the buzz out there in the blogosphere?

    Interested, Ian MacMillan…

  • John says:

    I think blogging will have an influence. It allows the candidates and public to talk, and possibly say what they wouldn’t have the courage to say in person.

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