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From The Mailbag – #2

By February 20, 2005News

I’ve been neglecting you, there’s no doubt about it. The lack of firm Boris news, combined with a house move and 3 weeks of travelling in my day job, and your humble host is a little behind the times. To top it all off, the vultures of influenza have been swirling for around 2 weeks now, causing my normally barely functioning mind to come to a complete standstill.
That’s not stopped eager readers emailing in, and stalwarts posting praise and prose on the forums. “What the hell is this site? I love it!” wrote in one American reader, obviously enamoured with Boris and his followers. Several others (thanks Pomoman, Elaine and Gooper) emailed in to say that Boris had got a Valentine’s surprise from the Mail on Sunday, and that he was one of the few to phone and say thank you for it, “in a chivelrous manner”. Good on you, Bozza.
Boriswatch reader John wrote to tell me about the recent Manchester United/Everton match, where the increasingly popular chant of “There’s only one Boris Johnson” could be heard from the rooftops – only this time it was directed at Liverpool, but at Everton. I’m not sure Boris is brimming with pleasure at being the subject of a football chant, but at least one thing can be said for the recent Liverpool debacle – Boris now has the backing of most supporters in English football.

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