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Boris wins Channel 4 Award!

By February 8, 2005News


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  • Jimbola says:

    Well done to Boris. Darn channel 4, I saw the announcement last night, the awards are being screened next Monday at 8, the only night I cannot stay in to watch it. Bugger, i’ll have to dig out my dusty video recorder.

  • Jimbola says:

    Sorry it came to me in a flash and I must share…


    I thank you.

  • gd says:

    YES! 😀

  • Henry says:

    What a guy!

    Here’s the glorious moment in film:

  • smelly smoker is stinky says:

    you stink u spammer.. lol

  • dafyd says:

    Yay! Go Boris! And thanks for the clip, Henry.

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  • Macarnie says:

    Despite coming after the award;the programme partially fronted by Boris seems to have been proof ( if further proof indeed were needed) that Boris deserved his award………….
    In Tuesday’s( 15th Feb.) programme on FIVE; Boris excelled as a presenter; (along with others) and gave a fascinating, if not continuously solo, commentary on the origins and subsequent progress of native art in Torkey. His passion for the subject was obvious, as was his erudition on the subject: meanwhile the atypical; non bumbling clarity of his descriptive narrative was exemplary.
    Due to the necessity of his forebear’s flight from Turkey, his understanding of the need of human compassion for those seeking asylum must be close to perfection.. This is an essential ingredient in the formulation of a fair but strict regime of control for immigration, considering the size and capacity of the country to absorb the multiplicity and diversity of other nationals.
    corded to him.

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