There are a right lot of pesky sorts on the internet. Not content with posting amusing videos of cats dancing or exposing Nick Clegg for the two faced charlatan that…
This is Bozza in 2006. You will note that he’s at a demonstration with Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming, supporting the demo against hospital closures. Clearly, Boris believed that attending…
We at Boriswatch Towers do, occasionally, treat ourselves to a meal out. Whilst the evening in Barnsley when we all had chicken soup, pie, mash, peas and gravy and a…
So, the fallout from England’s abject failure to win the right to host the 2018 World Cup continues. In one of the most spectacularly hilarious displays of sour grapes ever…
So, despite £15 million and us sending all our most trusted generals into battle (and Gary Lineker) England’s bid to host the 2018 World Cup failed in humiliating fashion. England…
It was a close run thing with the Big Society and vuvuzela, but, ultimately, the Mayor of London hasn’t won this year’s Oxford English Dictionary ‘word of the year’ contest….
One of Boris’ long time bugbears has been the amount of roadworks on London’s roads. And, with the launch of a new vote on his website, he’s having another crack…
It’s been a long while since we aired our bunting at Boriswatch Towers. So, we were delighted to hear this week of the impending Royal nuptials of Prince William and…
You may be wondering what the handsome if bizarre looking tall thing in this photograph is. (It’s the Mayor of London. Ba-doom-tish!) No, it’s the new Routemaster bus, scheduled to…
It’s a tough morning here at Boriswatch HQ. As part of an organisation indirectly linked to the Conservative Mayor of London, our offices have been trashed overnight by a number…