Opening new shopping centres used to be the reserve of has-been sports stars and Les Battersby off of Coronation Street. Not so much these days, though, as this week has…
Committees used to be boring things. They involved MPs looking closely at the rules about applying for planning permission in conservation areas or deciding whether to abolish the Cones Hotline…
We can all rattle off a list of famous Londoners. Michael Caine, Samuel Pepys, Barbara Windsor, Benjamin Disraeli to name but four. However, Bozza is in trouble this week for…
It’s a tough life being the Mayor of London. For the third year running, Bozza has been forced to undertake a press launch of the London Sky Ride with model…
Partly thanks to a campaign backed by the Evening Standard, a £3 million fund has been set up to help the victims of the recent riots in London. The High…
As the clean-up and fallout from the recent London riots continues, Bozza was back on the streets today to see how the jolly old people of the capital are holding…
So, Ken Livingstone is back and once again challenging to be Mayor of London. The man who has enjoyed more comebacks than Status Quo is set to race Boris to…
One of the political ramifications of the recent London riots has been the clash between Boris and his Government colleagues over planned police cuts. The Mayor launched ‘an emphatic defence…
It’s one of the major problems of modern life. Forget losing your trolley pound at the entrance to Asda, forget having a faulty cork on your pinot grigio and forget…
Mumblings over David Cameron’s relationship with alleged voicemail interceptor Andy Coulson and George Osborne’s continued, well, Osborne-ness have left a bit of a void in the Conservative Party. Who could…