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By September 14, 2012News

Economic times are tough.  Rising fuel costs, food bills and gas and electricity prices have forced many households into making savings.  And, many people have been forced to take on a second part-time job in order to supplement their income.

Now, it seems that even if you’re Mayor of London, you’re not safe from the clutches of the recession.  Boris has been forced to take on a second job – as the barista in a Mayfair coffee shop – in order to make ends meet.

The smartly dressed Borista was spotted by a photographer last week whilst preparing a vanilla caramel mochachoccolatteccino in an upmarket branch of Starbucks (if there is such a thing).

[Are you sure about this? I thought he was helping to promote an apprentice scheme for young people alongside Starbucks chairman Howard Schulz – Boriswatch Ed]

Oh.  He definitely put an apron on and definitely helped to make a cup of coffee for a customer.  Perhaps the sales of his latest book aren’t quite as high as he expected…?

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