Well, it ended up being a much tighter race than expected but Boris has been re-elected as Mayor of London.
Just before midnight on Friday, it was announced that Bozza had narrowly beaten his bitter rival Red Kenneth by just over three percentage points. It was the closest finish to a Mayoral election ever with Boris taking 51.53% of the votes to his rival’s 48.47%. With no candidate receiving enough ‘first preference’ votes, the second preferences of London’s electorate ultimately decided the outcome.
In his acceptance speech, Boris said: “I will continue to fight for a good deal for Londoners, a good deal from government.†The Telegraph reports that ‘he said he intended to celebrate with “a non-taxpayer funded libationâ€.’
After the result, Red Kenneth announced that this election would be his last, and observed that Boris was clearly the favourite to be the next leader of the Conservative party. He said: “I suspect this result has settled the question of the next Tory leadership election.” It’s a proposition that The Telegraph is keen to explore. Maybe the Boriswatch t-shirts are not so outlandish after all?
Dear Boris
As we are stuck with you for the next four years, can you actually make some positive changes?
http://wp.chrisandeddie.info/?p=335 is a posting on my blog about parking in London and the absurd fragmented system that is in place.
I know your team reads this site, so please, something needs to be done!