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No Moral Compass

By September 19, 2011News

It has long been rumoured that Bozza has an eye for the ladies. Now, a new biography of the Mayor has revealed ‘a catalogue of philandering’ by a man who, apparently, has ‘no moral compass’.

The book, Just Boris, is written by his former deputy Sonia Purnell and, according to the Daily Mail (so take it with a pinch of salt, folks), accuses Boris ‘of jumping and out of bed with a succession of ‘posh’, ‘full-breasted’ women.’

The book also alleges that Boris is the father of a love-child with ex-advisor Helen Macintyre, a woman who convinced her partner, Pierre Rolin, to donate £80,000 to what the Mail calls Boris’ ‘Olympian Erection’.

The mind boggles.

Mr Rolin is quoted as saying: ‘How could Boris take £80,000 off a Tory donor after sleeping with his live-in partner of three years and possibly father[ing] her child? He has no moral compass whatsoever!”

Boris and his spokespeople made no comment on the latest allegations. Probably wise.

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