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Boris fails to back Back Boris

By December 17, 2010News

There are a right lot of pesky sorts on the internet.  Not content with posting amusing videos of cats dancing or exposing Nick Clegg for the two faced charlatan that he is, some anonymous overseas rotter has annoyingly bought one of Boris’ main campaigning websites.

In 2008, the leading place to show your love and support for Bozza online was at the website  It’s a pretty obvious choice of website name, as they go, and was used to decent effect as Bozza swept to Mayoral office.

Now though, with the 2012 Mayoral election on the horizon, someone in the Mayor’s office has forgotten (d’oh!) to renew the license for the website domain.

What this means is that an opportunistic type has nipped in and bought the domain name  And, rather irritatingly, it’s not someone obvious from the UK (a Mr. K. Livingstone would have been the obvious choice). The Guardian reports that “we would help locate the culprit, but it’s all very strange because whoever has acquired the site, and thus the potential to make a whole lot of mischief when [Boris] seeks re-election in 2012, has done so through a Belize-based registrar, who in the manner of all helpful tax havens offers anonymity. The company that hosts the site does so from the Caymans.”

Bozza’s team have been quick to sign up but this oversight could lead to all sorts of mischievious and sneaky efforts to undermine the Mayor’s re-election campaign. We’re just gutted we didn’t think of the idea first…. or did we?

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